About us
We have the right person for each case

High access people are rope access technicians Level 1, 2 & 3, certified by the IRATA scheme. They are people with skills, training, and experience in their respective areas of work.
We have rope access technicians specializing in all kinds of work at height. Wind turbine installation, blade repair, vortex installation, wind mast installation and maintenance, electronic equipment installation on telecom towers and wind masts, NDT inspections, tower cleaning and dyeing, silo inspection and cleaning, etc.
High Access instructors are Irata L3 rope access technicians, climbing instructors with additional rope access expertise, certified adult trainers, and first aid at Work instructors.
Οur people are certified from IRATA, GWO, OSHA, HFMC, EOPPEP, Hellenic Red Cross, Rescue Training International, European Resuscitation Council, EL.IN.Y.A.E. & others training providers.